Tuesday, October 7, 2008


First, to tell you who I am...

Aamiya Faystel is my name. I was born in a wealthy city that was slowly sinking into darkness. My mother and father were hard working people. Pure of heart and strong of will. We attended mass in the morning on every holy day to show worship to our God, Pelor. It was there that I first started to feel the pull of my true destiny, my true calling. At the age of 14, against my parents wishes, I joined the church to help fight the spreading evil in our city. I was determined to do good, but I was too prideful.

After my first year and excelling at my studies, I felt that I needed no more training. I set to work in the city preaching to those who would listen and even to those who didn't. I quickly learned my lesson. One evening as I was traveling down a rather seedy street, I was stopped by local ruffians. They began to taunt and tease me, talking down about my religion. They soon started physically grabbing at me. I tried to run away, but my feet got tangled in my white robes. I fell face first to the ground, the cold cobblestones against my face... I felt myself being dragged to my feet, the tears already burning my eyes. They began to tear the clothes from my back, pinning me against a wall, I heard a voice. I tried to cry out, but a hand covered my mouth. I felt that same hand jerk away from my face, and I was suddenly free. I fell to the ground again, afraid to look up. I heard that voice calling to me, telling me to run. "Go! Quickly, while I hold them off, run child please." The voice, so familiar, so concerned, I hesitated, wanting to know who it was, but I ran, scared, I ran as fast as I could. I found the local guards and brought them back to where I was attacked. There on the ground, I saw the man who had saved me... oh god no... "Father!" I cried out in alarm and ran to him. He looked at me and smiled, with his last breath, he whispered to me, "Be safe my daughter, take care of those who are weaker than you." He died in my arms that night.

I returned to my mother with his lifeless body close behind. He was given a funeral worthy of a man as great as he. My mother was overcome with grief, she refused to eat, no matter what I tried. She died a few months later, and I was alone.

I returned to the church, changed. It was approaching my 16th birthday and all I could do was think of my father's last words to me. On the day of my birth, I vowed my life to Pelor. No more pride in me, for it died with my mother and father. Four years later, I started again.

Aamiya the Holy is what some people call me now. I began my journey once again, working to bring more good into the world. I met up with a rather odd group of people, those of whom I now consider friends.

Leighlann, she is an interesting girl, her heart is in the right place, but her morals are something to be worked on. A talented rogue, I believe she has a good soul, I just need to help her down the better path.

Sidiyan, A young man who bares a striking resemblance to Leighlann, he is a little misguided, he pursues knowledge at every opportunity, though it seems as of late he is starting to change. I believe he has a warm heart, after I lost my traveling companion, Adreena, he gave me a lovely token in remembrance of her. I think he may be taking a liking to me, but I must not let that interfere with my true calling. Though, he is a very sweet young man.

Malik, He is a very loyal servant to Sidiyan, though, I don't think he is too bright. But he is kind.

Skyler, This young woman, I don't know much about, I am still a bit wary of her, though she seems to be fighting for love more than anything these days.

Tamari, She is a lady I have recently met. Very quick to jump, and a bit irrational at times. She always seems to try to do things that she can't, and tends to step on toes. I am afraid Leighlann may not be too fond of her, Sidiyan as well.

For now, we travel together, as well as we can, trying to follow the path of good. So far all of our pasts have brought us together, and now we will see where they will lead.

I continue my journey...

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